A comprehensive set of services which adds competitive advantages to the cooperating company

By reaping the benefits and effectiveness of the set of the five services of Piraeus Factoring, the Supplier acquires a series of comparative advantages which contribute to its development. The advantages of Factoring are:
  • Direct Liquidity, meeting the needs of the Supplier 
  • Strengthening of the Supplier's negotiating position.
  • Reduction of operating expenses, due to the fact that all accounting and collection procedures are being performed directly by the personnel of Piraeus Factoring.
  • Minimization of the credit risk, along with the Supplier's coverage and compensation.
  • Minimization of the collection costs of the accounts receivables due to the sound and effective procedures of Piraeus Factoring.
  • Lower costs and faster process in comparison to other collaterals, such as loans or letters of guarantee, etc.
  • Following the assessment of the buyers' solvency, relative reliable information is provided to the Supplier by the personnel of Piraeus Factoring.
  • Increase of competitiveness, especially for SMEs which acquire direct funding and liquidity.
  • Personalized support, management and collection of the accounts receivables according to the credit policy and commercial practice of each Supplier.
  • Effective service from the well-trained, experienced and specialized executives of Piraeus Factoring.
  • Flexibility and speed guaranteed by the sophisticated computerized system of Piraeus Factoring.
  • Improvement of the sales growth potential, through the open account for buyers.
  • Coverage of the Supplier's activities abroad, due to the international prestige of Piraeus Factoring.