Piraeus Factoring Complaints Review Process

If there is an issue for you, concerning:

  • the products and services that we offer you,
  • the environmental and social  actions and practices as part of our Corporate  Responsibility,
  • the environmental and social  behavior of our corporate clients,
you can directly contact us to solve it or manage it.

The body responsible for the examination of your complaint is Piraeus Compliance Unit Factoring.

Your request will be examined in accordance with the act of  Bank of Greece (157/1/2.4.2019).

Contact Compliance Unit

Fill in our Contact Form and fill in the complaint form

You can send it to: Piraeus Factoring SA - Compliance Unit

Postal address: 170 Alexandras Av, PC 115-21, Athens,

by FAX at 210-9212435 and by mail at compliance@piraeus-factoring.gr

Upon receipt of your request and in cooperation with the relevant departments of Piraeus Factoring, the Compliance Unit will consider and respond to you within 45 working days. If more time is necessary, you will be informed by letter.

Should you not find our response satisfactory , you can address the out-of-court settlement of the dispute to the Greek Financial Mediator as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity (ADR), which is registered in the Special Register maintained on the website of the Consumer Protection Directorate General Market surveillance.

Address: Massalias 1 , Athens 
WEB: www.hobis.gr  
PH.: 10440, 210 3376700 
Fax: 210-3238821
e-mail: info@hobis.gr